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Naturally Richer is essentially a study of permaculture and natural building techniques for harmonious living.

With more than 150 pages, covering 60 interesting themes with over 800 photos.

Themes in the book include:


Permaculture Fundamentals, Permaculture Ethics, Design Principles In Permaculture, Zone Planning In Permaculture, Water Management In Permaculture, Urban Homestead – Dervaes Family, Natural Farming - Masanobu Fukuoka, Terraces & Hugel Beds - Sepp Holzer, Using Rocks As Heat Traps, Hugel Beds - Raised Beds, Natural Swimming Pool, The Forest Garden / Food Forest / Edible Forest, 7 Layers Of Food Forest Garden, Herb Spiral, Mulch, Different Types Of Mulch, Vertical Gardens, Saving Floor Space, Trellises, Rooftop Gardens, Back To Eden Gardening Using Mulch, To Till Or Not To Till?, No-Dig Garden / Instant Garden,  Straw Bale Garden – Another Instant Garden, Lasagne Garden, Raised Beds, Edible Landscaping, Which Plants Are Edible, Medicinal, Or Used In Cosmetics, Companion Planting, Nitrogen Fixing Plants, Cycles of Nitrogen, Composting, Anaerobic Composting, Aerobic Composting – Hot Compost, Berkeley Thermophilic Compost, Compost Tea, Vermicomposting – Composting With Worms, Walipini, The Sunken Or Underground Green house, Concept Design Of An Underground Greenhouse, Strawbale Homes, Earth-Ships Or Earth Covered Homes, Earthen – Cob – Adobe House, Cob Houses And Structures Around The World, Cob Bricks / Adobe, How To Mix Cob, Building A Cob Wall, Drainage And Foundation, Earthen Floors, Earthen Plaster, Tadelakt, Cob Masonry Heaters. Cob Ovens. Cob Stoves. Cob Fireplaces, Decorative Cob, Examples Of Cob / Adobe Homes And Structures, Our Cob Experience From Start To Finish, Conclusion, References & Links.


E-book in English

Printed copy in English

E-book in Slovakian

Printed copy in Slovakian


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This is a simple step by step guide for children and their parents on how to build a play house from earth.

By following these simple steps, you can learn, how to build a playhouse, bench and/or playground using this amazing material;

and with some more experience, maybe one day in future, your own family house.

It's always best to build with natural materials and children just naturally want to get dirty and muddy.

That's why earth is the perfect building material for them.

Have a great time building...

E-book in English

E-book in Slovakian

Printed copy in Slovakian


Make your own natural and healthy cosmetics by following these simple recipes.

Soap, lip balm, bath bomb, solid body cream, moisturizer, deodorant, perfume, natural repellent, tooth paste and more.

E-book in English coming soon

eBook Výroba domácej kozmetiky a drogérie.jpg

E-book in Slovakian

Výroba domácej kozmetiky a drogérie - Body print.jpg

Printed copy in Slovakian


Who am I?

Who are we?

Find answers inside this beautiful inspirational book with

35 powerful insights.

Full of amazing photos from nature,

with very simple text, so even your small children can read it for themselves.

A book for all ages

with powerful insights for everyone.

Read it out load for the best results...

MACAW cover 20,32 x 25,4.png

This book is part of a series

Love Learn Leave.

Max, The Macaw will tell you all

about himself, where he lives, what he eats, how he nests and much more.

He will also tell you how his world is threatened and how you can help him.

Ideal for young readers or for parents

to read out load to their children.

For schools, playschools

and for homeschooling.

RED PANDA cover 20,32 x 25,4.png

This book is part of a series

Love Learn Leave.

Sally, the Red Panda will tell you all about herself, where she lives, what she eats, how she nests and much more.

She will also tell you how her world is threatened and how you can help her.

Ideal for young readers or for parents

to read out load to their children.

For schools, playschools,

and for homeschooling.

I WONDER Cover.png

This book is part of a series


The purpose of this book is to give insights into the lives

of captive animals.


In this book,

Gorilla is telling her life story

from the zoo.


Book for all ages.

Ideal for opening deep conversations about nature and animals.

JUST IMAGINE cover.png

This book is part of a series



The purpose of this book is to give insights into the lives

of captive animals.


In this book,

Bear is telling his life story

from the zoo.


Book for all ages.

Ideal for opening deep conversations about nature and animals.



Love Learn Leave

naturally richer books, animal book, education, home schooling, world schooling, education, nature, children

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